October 30, 2009

This Old Man (A Running Story)

This morning I got out for the first time in a week and a half. Beautiful day with leaves falling all around. I decided to go to the track to run (since I haven't been anywhere to pick up some pepper spray). The last few times I have gone to this particular track there is an old man that always makes me feel really uncomfortable and psyches me out. I usually end up running a couple of laps and then leaving because he is always talking to me and I can't focus.

For example:

Lap 1 Howdy! How far you think your going to run today?
Lap 2 I can hear you breathing pretty hard.
Lap 3 Your face is getting red.
Lap 4 You sure are slowing down.
Lap 5 Your only on lap 5.
Lap 6 How far did you say you had to go?
And on and on...

I am dreading the next time I have to pass him because I never know what negative comment is going to come out of his mouth. I know that shouldn't bother me. But, if you are trying to run any sort of a distance, especially on a track, you have to kinda be "in the zone" or else you just peter out too quick.

I was on lap 4 when I came around and he made the "slowing down" comment and then held up 4 fingers (because I can't keep up?). Any way, I decided then I was going to run until he ran out of fingers. There, that was a goal! I ended up getting in 4 miles which just so happens to be 12 laps :) Silly Old Man... Now instead of being my running nemesis I will consider him my lap counter.


SarahBeth Pate said...

I love that you have a personal lap counter......Way to cute!!!!

Chad said...

Good for you. Reckon how much he charges for motivation like that?

Teale said...

When I used to run the lakeshore trail there was a man who was always there working out. But it was so funny because it was like he couldn't be satisfied with a "regular" run, he had to make it more difficult. For most people this would mean maybe getting some ankle weights or something. Not for this guy... he would wear inline skates, with ankle weights on, pushing a GROCERY CART full of an assortment of dumbells and freeweights. That was one day. Another day he was in a WHEELCHAIR and had duct taped a cooler to the underside of it with weights and was pushing himself with it. He kept his odd assortment of "props" in the back of his pickup. It was hilarious! (sorry I know that was long, and not really related... but thought I'd share)