June 26, 2009

This post may be impossible. Blake is trying to compete with the computer for room on my lap. Being home with the kids has been such a joy this Summer. Especially since Hailey has been out of school, things have been FULL THROTTLE and so much fun. Last night we hosted a K-5th grade devotional here at the house. The little ones are so much fun to watch. Chance (our youth minister) had the boys taking turns getting up and leading a song. After everyone had their turn, Blake got up, sang his song and sat back down. Just like a big boy! No one even prompted him! I loved it! He may not be talking, but he is not a fool.

Shifting gears here. I have to say a little something about my training. So far, so good. My longest run as of yet is 3 miles and that was last Saturday. I plan to get up early tomorrow morning and at least try to match that. Today I am taking a a rest day. My ankle and calves are in major pain after doing only 30 min of sprints yesterday. It was much tougher than I planned for it to be and my ankle kept warping out on my right side. Hopefully it will strengthen in time. I am also going to be getting a new pair of shoes and that may keep me steadier. My weight loss is not going as well as my running, but I do weigh less than I did when I started this journey and I am not going to complain.

Blake went for his 18 month check up Tuesday. He received two shots plus the TB testing. He was not a happy camper but the sucker he got afterwards made for a quick recovery. lol I talked with his doctor about some concerns I have with his weight being low and him not being as verbal as I think he should be. According to the chart he is in the 50 percentile for weight and height and she doesn't seemed concerned at all about his speech. She was talking to him and he would respond accordingly, just refused to say anything. She wants us to get a thumb guard. Most children suck their dominate hand. Not Blake! He sucks his left hand and does everything else with his right. And, that may be a part of his quiet nature. He always has his mouth plugged up.

I also went to see the doc. Partially because I have never had a regular physician and I wanted to make sure that physically I would have no excuse to not run. I really liked the doctor and everything checked out. I felt great when he walked into the room and the first thing out of his mouth was "You are the healthiest person I have seen today!". Since I started running my resting heart rate has fallen from 80 to 72 which I am so excited about! My blood pressure was 120/60. Also, my thyroid is fine and my cholesterol profile showed a total cholesterol of 114, triglycerides of 97, an HDL of 49, and an LDL of 46. Great! I was prescribed some medication for headaches and if that doesn't help I will have to get an MRI. I never had headaches before and I am getting them daily now. I hope the medication helps and I won't have to deal with anything funky.

There are so many things that I have left out but I have to go tend to these sweet kids. Be Back Soon...


Teale said...

lol... what is Hailey doing in those pics? She needs to stop growing NOW...she isn't supposed to be such a big girl already!

If you ever make it to Homewood, there's a great little store called the Trak Shack that will watch you walk and "evaluate your arch" and recommend a good running shoe. The shoes they carry aren't different than other places, but the service is nice. Chad and I love Asics for running! Good job making it to 3 miles, that is great! It's no fun in the heat I'm sure...

Jennifer said...

I'm sorry about your ankle. I hope it starts to feel better. The pictures are too cute!

Chad said...

You are doing great on the running. Keep up the good work. 3miles is a big accomplishment. I am only running 3 miles in my distance runs right now, but I have a 4 miler looming this week. YUCK!!!! I need to map out somewhere to run other than a track. 16 laps is no fun.

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you for your running! You are doing so well. Keep it up and I will be cheering you on in heart while you are in Memphis!