February 7, 2009

Super Sleep Over

Cake, laughter, root beer floats & friends add up to a wonderful evening! When you mix in late night pizza, presents, makeovers, dressing-up, Wii, board games, movies, popcorn, and play time at Chick-fil-A you have a BLAST!

Here is a video of Braigen and Dakota Boxing on the Wii. Braigen is really working hard!

This video is of Brad singing his famous "I am a little Green Frog" song to the girls. He is goofy and the perfect entertainment for this age group. I can already see Hailey's eyes rolling when he tries this in a few years. lol

Hailey, Peyton, Braigen & Dakota got along great. There were no come-a-parts to go home in the middle of the night. I had 8 helpful little hands to fix breakfast this morning(They are excellent cinnamon roll bakers). And, even though sleeping was put on the back burner for the evening, we spent the majority of today together and everyone was in such a pleasant mood. Hotel for Dogs was a really cute movie and the girls clapped and giggled most of the show. I loved seeing them have so much fun. We wrapped up our get together at Chick-fil-A where we had lunch together and the kids played in the play place. I thought I might become overwhelmed when I found out that Lori Beth, Autumn, and Lydia were unable to come and help me out, but honestly I had the best time! Braigen, Dakota and Peyton, you girls are always welcome in our home. We love you and are so thankful for each of you! You made Hailey's Birthday extra special!


Anonymous said...

I am so glad they had lots of fun...thanks for inviting her and I'm glad the older girls got to hang out too!!!

Anonymous said...

MAN! It looks like yall had a great time. I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am that I missed ALL of it. I was sad looking at the pictures of her party and knowing I was sitting over here with a tissue up my nose. I am thankful everything went smoothly though. I was really worried about you handling it at the movies but I should have known you would be great. You are a great mama and a great friend and anyone that is around you is blessed to have you in their life. I love you sooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!

Jennifer said...

We had so much fun at the movies and lunch. We are blessed to call y'all our friends. Thanks for letting Peyton come and enjoy the fun!

Teale said...

I'm sure they had so much fun- I know you were probably worn out after all of it! I'm glad she had a great birthday!

Leah said...

Looks like tons of fun! We had a sleep over that night too, just boys though! :)