October 8, 2008

I Stand Corrected.

A few weeks back HP had a take home project to work on from school. She had an almost life size cardboard person to decorate and represent what she wanted to be when she grows up. She wanted to be a Fairy Princess....hmmmm....that was sweet and all, but this is going to be for a grade so I talked to her about being something more professional. A Lawyer Fairy Princess :) ~ Her cardboard person turned out really cute and I considered it a sucess until I read Willa the Wonderful, a story about a little "girl" that wants to grow up and be a fairy princess. lol (I thought that was hilarious) Come to find out they can be very sucessful and are a great asset to their community. HP and I loved reading this story!


Crystal said...

See! HP knew what she was thinking in wanting to be a fairy princess. :) She's intelligent, that's for sure so she'll be good at whatever she chooses to do. Ya'll are definitely raising those babies right. :)

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA!!!!!! That is sooo funny! I can't believe she was right. They definitely are a great asset to the community

Kristy said...

The good mommies are the ones that can admit when they are wrong to their five year old! Either way, she got a grade and you got to snuggle with storytime! hmm, you both win! :)

Love you girls!