July 19, 2009

This Summer just keeps getting better! Heather, Jennifer, Lori and I went out the other night. It was a late birthday get together. We started our evening off at the Trak Shak. Great place, got some good advice on some shoes and I picked out some I liked but they didn't have my size. So, we went up the road to Dick's Sporting Goods and did some shopping. I spent way too much money but I walked out of there with some great Asics and clothes. Afterwards we had dinner at Joe's Crab Shack. Even though I was embarrassed beyond belief we got a lot of laughs and had a lot of fun.

Yesterday,Jennifer and I ran the Trak Shak's 5K Retro Run. There were some people dressed up CRAZY! My hair was teased (thank you Autumn for the tips) to great heights. It was a lot fun getting ready for and we had Jim 'N Nick's BBQ for dinner. Brad and Hailey were there to cheer me on and it was the sweetest thing to come around that corner at the last stretch and see Hailey jumping up and down and screaming with excitement "GO MOMMY!!!". That was a great feeling to know she was proud of me, and Brad too, I was so glad that I was able to run the race straight through with out walking. I made pretty good time too a little over 12 min a mile. Pretty good for me!


Chad said...

That's awesome. Congrats on the race. I might try and get out to the next 5K and run it. I have never run in an actual race.

Jennifer said...

I had so much fun. So proud of you!

Teale said...

Hilarious! Looks like y'all had a great time. Good job on finishing the race w/o walking at all! :)

Anonymous said...

So glad we got to go and hang out. Love you girls!