July 12, 2009

Anniversay ~ Birthdays~4th of July Combo Post

I tell you what, I just can't keep up with this thing anymore. We have been busy as beavers around here. Brad has been off work for the past three weeks. I have been spoiled having him home. We have checked something off of our extensive "To Do" list or gone off to play every day. The kids are really going to miss him this week and so will I.

The month of June is always fun. Brad and I share a birthday and we also celebrate our anniversary. June 12th marked our 7th year together. We had a wonderful evening out to eat. It stormed that night, we came home and snuggled by candle light listening to the rain and talking about how lucky we are to have each other. I love Brad dearly and my life with him is precious. I pray we will always be together.

A couple of weeks later on the 30th, we celebrated our birthdays at Stix and we pigged out. I brought a ton of food home but we still ate way to much! Plus, Chee-vee baked us a delicious pound cake for dessert. We had planned to go see a movie but nothing looked good enough to waste our lives on, so we ended up at Starbucks sipping on coffee, discussing music and religion (you know coffee talk) and laughing about this and that. I figure we were in there a couple of hours. It was fun just hanging out together.

Just this past week the kids and I went down to Indian Creek Youth Camp and spent the day with our christian friends. LB was counseling and it was cool to go see her in counseling action, getting to spend some time with her and swimming with the girls. Hailey cried when we left. Everyone was so nice to her and she was able to participate in some of the camp games that night. She really, really wanted to stay. Next year she will get a whole week in :)
We have crabs. Hermit Crabs, affectionately named Hayhay and Peypey. A gift from Peyton to Hailey. Peyton brought them home from her beach trip. I like them o.k. but I still think they are sort of a snail/shrimp mix and that kinda makes my stomach flip. Hailey loves them but won't hold them much. Peypey pinched her and it is taking Hailey a while to trust her again.

The 4th! Again, another great day! We spent the afternoon with family and then loaded up to see fireworks at the Rouses. The kids had good time. We ate ice cream, sat back and watched the show!

The girls played dress up and the boys would clap for every firework. Blake would hide from the noise but then smile and clap afterwards. lol
Running Update:

I promised Jen I would blog that we ran Five at Five. Meaning, we got our tails up before dawn and went to run. My goal was to top last weeks run at 4 Miles but we were able to bust it out and go 5 miles! It took us approximately an hour and it was a great feeling when we finally made it back to the car. However, I am still a bit sore today from all the shenanigans :) Oh, and we saw a potbellied pig, a cute little black one that I was oh so tempted to stop and pet. And, I can't forget to mention the beautiful sun rise. God is so amazing! We were just topping the hill on our last 1/2 mile. I am glad I was able to witness that while running with a such good friend.

As always, there are tons of things I have left out. Enjoy these few tidbits of our past few weeks and I hope to have more to blog before too long.


Jennifer said...

I love you! I'm so glad we got to run, celebrate the 4th and visit Lori at camp together. Glad to be home. Missed y'all.

Anonymous said...

That was a great post, bad pic of me but great post. So glad yall came to camp! Love you much!