March 2, 2009

Life On Lock Down Review

My last post pretty much summed up the fact that the kids have been cooped up for a while now. I took some pictures of them this past week. I get sad when I think how fast they are growing. I feel like I can't capture their sweetness enough. I know they get tired of me with a camera in their face every day, but every day seems to go by so fast I don't want to forget a minute of it. Two things while I am thinking of them. This afternoon during lunch Blake bowed his head and clasped his hands together to pray without being prompted. He is also now giving "smoochy" kisses, not the sweet open mouth ones anymore but he makes a big mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmuah and then puckers up and smacks. So precious!

Sunday, even though it snowed we got up extra early and made it to church just fine. The snow was beautiful. We didn't let Blake get out in it. He was content staying in and munching on his chicken fingers and fries. Hailey, however, couldn't wait to get home to play! We didn't allow her to stay outside long because of her ear infection (the wind was wild) but we did go out and get a few pictures.

Did anyone see me get pelted by Brad's snowballs in the church parking lot? By the time I retaliated Brad and I were both covered in snow! It was great but the inside of my car got soaking wet :)


Melissa said...

I know what you mean about them growing up to fast. I can't believe that I have a 10 year old!! I do the same thing with taking pictures all the time. They hate it, but it's my only way to keep them little.

Anonymous said...

Oh man! I hate that I missed the pelting! I am so glad that the babies are feeling better. It's about time!