November 18, 2008

Earlier this evening while I was getting dinner ready, I glanced over to see Blake kissing his reflection in the dishwasher. By the time I got my camera ready he was finished making out with himself. So, inorder to get some cute video, I encouraged him to "go give that baby some more sugar"


Teale said...

That is so funny! He'll be a heartbreaker, no doubt!

Kim said...

Too cute!! Looks like he had a fun birthday! It's hard to believe he's already a year old!

Randal, Belinda and Caylee-Grace said...

That is too cute! He is just adorable. I could just eat him up sometimes.

Katie said...

He is so adorable! One time Ginger & I caught Clay smiling at himself in a mirror at the mall. It was so cute when they don't realize that it is their reflection.

One year old? Already?