June 18, 2008

Mission Possible

Last weekend HP, BP and I went on a trip to Grimsley Tennessee to work with a congregation to promote and help with their vacation bible school. Grimsley is a tiny congregation and they have 0 children that attend there. A sad situation if you asked me. Children are a bit noisy at times but are sweet little members and lets face it, no children = no future members.

We packed up and loaded the bus on Thursday morning AND after several potty stops (we had several small children that rode on the bus)and a lunch break we arrived at our hotel. A very nice Holiday Inn Express that had wonderful soft fluffy beds :) That night we had a devotional and feasted at a Mexican restaurant down the street. My friend Heather at 7th Heaven brought her 5 kids and the youngest, Jace, was siting beside us with a plate of refried beans (yummy). He kept talking to BP and then spitting - not manly spittoon spitting but the flippy lip kid spitting. So Blake can spit now.... and he practiced his new skill all weekend long.

Friday we went door knocking and had a good time visiting with people from the community and inviting neighborhood kids to come and learn about the bible with us. We also spent time at the church building decorating and learning new songs for the next morning. After dinner and a great time playing outside at the preacher's house we had another devotional and headed back to the hotel to get some rest.

Saturday started out wonderfully. I think there were around 70 people that attended the VBS. Lots of children came and it was very successful. We had a snack and played outside some more (the weather was great the whole weekend). Then we loaded back on the bus to go home.

Again, many potty stops and food trips later we arrived home safely. I am so very thankful to our Elders for allowing us to go on trips like this. I hope that HP learned that even though she is small she can do great things like encouraging and helping others, just like she did this weekend.

You may be wondering what my husband was doing this whole time. Well he stayed behind and kitty sat our new cat ~

***Tiger Brooks ***

isn't he a cutie pie! Thank you Lori for the cat. We love him!


Chad said...

I am so glad that you guys had a good time on the trip. I agree that it is wonderful that our elders allow us to do things like this. I have so much admiration for you for getting HP and BP involved so early in their youth. It will pay dividends down the road.

Anonymous said...

im glad yall had such a great trip. well i guess if hailey couldn't name blake brooks she had to find some way to use it...lol!!!!